Thursday, January 22, 2009

"these are the things i think about when i'm alone without you"

Second week of school is almost over, and I still haven't accomplished much. I was sick for the first week, and had to go to the campus health center (bleh). They didn't tell me much or prescribe me anything useful. I got over it just fine with some good ol' Equate cold and sinus (ha). Of course I didn't expect much from them, but it was helpful. While waiting for the doctor to come in my room I couldn't help but notice that whoever built that place forgot to run a bead of silicone or caulk between the countertop and the backsplash. I kept staring at that empty crack wishing I had my own caulk gun to fill it in and fix it. Leave it to This Old House and my dad for me to notice that while I'm sick at the doctor.

One of the rare times that I am forced to physically touch/interact with a total stranger is when I'm on the bus to campus. Everyone gets on the bus with the hopefulness that everyone has taken a shower and worn deodorant that day.

Lucy is back with full force since her surgery last Monday (it was time for some fixin'). It's still sad to see the stitches on her little shaved tummy.

1 comment:

Georgia said...

that's really funny, because my friend and i bought a caulk gun at walmart and tackled the crack between her window about a month ago.heh.

little lucy, all grown up? :)