Friday, October 24, 2008

We're working on lidded jars in class now, next is teapots (oh dear). I hope Mandi only makes us do six because teapots have several steps. Eek. I've begun actually stitching into my pots now all thanks to a suggestion from my teacher. I had a few cups where I had created a stitching pattern with some glaze, and I liked how it looked. Leave it up to our ceramics teachers to turn everything literal (you fake something, and they suggest that you actually do it). They're just tests right now to see how things will turn out, and also to figure which glazes I'm going to use. I think the stitching will be my main detail for my final pieces. I love the way stitching looks, the whole handmade quality and the way it's sort of creepy (but that's probably just me). I guess I sort of view it as creepy is because I think of Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, and also wounds. But then another part makes me feel warm because it reminds me of my grandmother who was always sewing.

I am absolutely in the love with the weather right now. It's almost the right temperature for a nice, warm fire. If only we had a fireplace... My hot cinnamon sunset tea will just have to make do (and of course the heater).

Our electric bill this month is only $31.62! That's also another reason why I'm in love with the weather. :]

I'm hungry.

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